


的 College's Art and Literary Magazine, 的 Synchronicity, received a first place 获得了美国学术出版社协会颁发的奖项. 学生杂志是有建议的 博士. Thomas Powers, Instructor 的英语, and Tim Connolly, Assistant 教授 的英语.

Walter Plotnick, Fine Arts Senior Lecturer, received 2nd place in the Lensculture 单一图像类别. 沃尔特的照片将在光圈画廊展出 在纽约市.

Andrew Kosciesza, Associate 教授 of Music, was selected to receive the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) Citation of Excellence in Teaching Award for PMEA 区11. 该奖项是在2019年PMEA颁奖早餐会上颁发的 在匹兹堡举行的PMEA/NAfME东部分区会议.


的 Culinary Arts Institute (CAI) participated in the 4th Annual Valley Forge Freedom from Hunger Food Drive sponsored by the Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board. Members of the CAI helped prepared meals for 150 underserved individuals at a community 在宾夕法尼亚州诺里斯敦的避难所.

的 College launched a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) on Seventeen Business and Accounting students completed certification training and are volunteering their time to provide a valuable service to low and moderate income members of the 校园社区. 的 College partnered with Campaign for Working 家庭, who provide technical assistance, certification training and professional quality reviewers to 审核并完成所有税务申报. 提供VITA税务筹划服务 in the Student Success Center on Monday and Tuesday evenings throughout the 2018 tax 季节. To date, over 40 tax payers have signed up to receive the service with the 本季度最多可提交100份申报表.

Damon Gray, Faculty 多样性的, Finance and Accounting, attended IBM's Build 用数据重塑智能金融服务 & 纽约的开发者活动. 的 event provided insight in to how the role of data, Artificial Intelligence, and developers 金融服务业.


Teal Mercer, Assistant 教授 of Dental Hygiene, along with several dental hygiene graduates, completed a dental medical mission at an orphanage in Africa.

的 Medical Assisting program exceeded the retention, job placement, graduate survey, employer survey, and exam outcome thresholds required by the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB), a Committee on Accreditation of the Commission on Accreditation 联合健康教育计划(CAAHEP).

的 15th graduating class of the Radiography program celebrated their achievements 举办年度别针及颁奖典礼. 到目前为止,这是最大规模的 放射学专业的毕业生有15名. 该活动在健康科学中心举行 Center atrium, and over 100 people attended including community members, clinical 附属代表,管理人员,教职员工.


Associate Engineering 教授 William Brownlowe presented at the annual League for Innovation in the Community College Innovations Conference 在纽约市. 教授 Brownlowe's talk described how the MCCC engineering department incorporates research 进入更广阔的学习体验. 特别是,他讨论了如何研究和 production of the INNOVA fuel cell-powered vehicle enhanced student engagement and 学习.

的 Biotechnology Program hosted a STEM Career Pathways Conference for high school 蓝铃镇的老师和辅导员. 会议的重点是生物技术 和工程. 与会者听取了业界知名主讲人的发言 and participated in topic-specific round table discussions with local industry experts. Approximately 50 teachers and counselors from local school districts and 20 representatives 来自当地工业界. ccc的代表是生物科技副教授, Dr. 麦琪·布莱恩斯和STEM学院院长. 杰米亲眼见识. 会议得到了支持 by the National Science Foundation funded NBC2 grant which is based at MCCC.

An educational tour was organized by Computer Science Lecturer Sri Sagaram for students 访问位于福吉谷的TierPoint数据中心. 这次旅行提供了 opportunity for the students to learn about the actual working of a commercial "Multitenant “云计算”实现. 由Benjamin Mitten领导的TierPoint数据中心团队, VP, General Manager - Pennsylvania gave an educational tour of the facility explaining how a Cloud Computing and Disaster Recovery facility like Tierpoint helps businesses to establish and manage a computing environment that provides 24/7 uptime, server redundancy, data mirroring and Industry compliance for their business. 在这个时代 of computing, cloud computing environments have grown in popularity and 学习 about these will help our students gain a better opportunity for employment.


的 Criminal Justice department hosted the 17th Annual Criminal Justice and Public 安全博览会在Parkhouse大厅中庭. 学生和社区成员有机会 to meet with recruiters from municipal, state and federal law enforcement and public 安全机构. Private sector employers as well as transfer partners were also present on campus to address current topics, trends and careers in Criminal Justice and Public 安全. Assistant 教授s of Criminal Justice, Jayden Sampson and Steve Schmitz 为活动提供便利.

的 Archaeology and Anthropology Club, led by Lynn O'Brien, Assistant 教授 of Anthropology, hosted Adam 德保罗 of the Tribal Council of the Lenape Nation. Mr. 德保罗 discussed the history and culture of the Native American Lenape in the Delaware Valley.

圣彼得堡 Desai, Instructor of History, was selected to participate in the Council of American and Overseas Research Center faculty development seminar in Pakistan. 圣彼得堡 was selected out of fifty applicants from community colleges in the United States. 的 highly competitive program provides instructors with curriculum development, and how to navigate the complexities of religious, political, and cultural diversity.

的 Library Parlor accepted an article written by Amanda Leftwich, Library Faculty 多样性的. 这篇文章的标题是“反思日记:一种日常实践” 将于1月30日上映. 图书馆客厅是一个交流、分享的空间 expertise, and asking questions about the process of developing, pursuing, and publishing 图书馆研究.